Hey Lovelies, I have to say, I was so hoping the illustration process for my picture book would be fast when it started out 3 months ago but fast is not how I would describe it. Not fast but AMAZING,
Micro Post: Book Update

Hey Lovelies, I have to say, I was so hoping the illustration process for my picture book would be fast when it started out 3 months ago but fast is not how I would describe it. Not fast but AMAZING,
Hey all, So, first off, an apology. I did not mean to announce I was pregnant and then drop off the face of the earth for 2 weeks. A bunch of things culminated and then I had nothing really to
Hey Lovelies, I have been so busy lately and then caught a nasty cold on top of it. I apologize for not posting last week. But I do have some fun news to share with you guys! I thought October,
Hey Lovelies, As it’s October I wanted to feature a loss story for this month’s Squawk Box. I found one that is a little unlike the ones that typically get shared. What if you had conceived not 1 but 2
Lovelies, October is a busy time in the infertility community. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month… so most of this month the community spends time lifting up those people who have experienced the trauma of losing a child.
Lovelies, I am having a pretty hard time over here with guilt, shame, and anger. So, I wanted to delve into what the word community means. Admittedly, I wrote this post before I’d publicly disclosed my pregnancy. I have been
Hey Lovelies, So I’m pregnant. Now what? Well, this month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and I am going to go forward with that as I would have any other year. It’s an important month in the community
*Trigger Warning: This post documents my surprise ‘natural’ conception the month leading up to our FET. I know this kind of post can be really difficult to stomach and I understand if you need to skip it today. XOXXO* Lovelies,
Hey there Lovelies, September is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month. If you are like me and you LOVE the colour teal you’ll be happy to know that teal is one way to show your support to your cysters this
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your September Squawk Box! I am running low-ish on these and wanted to remind you that you can share any and all parts of your journey here on my platform! Send your stories -here-. Today’s stroy