Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Squawk Box: Infertility was the Easy Part

Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Lovelies, Welcome to your February Squawk Box!! If you feel like sharing your story on the interwebs I will be continuing to post these up. Send your story here! XOXXO, The Chicken I mourn for the woman I was- But
Hey, Lovelies! So, technically, the blog tour wraps today over at A Mama’s Amusing Musings– If you weren’t in the know that’s the new home for the lady from At Least I Still Have Humour, remember that awesome chick?!… check
Lovelies, Well, here we are! The final week of the blog tour for Extra! and I am really feelin’ the love! Here are the stats from the Launch Week off of Amazon. Extra! has been on Amazon’s Hot New Release
Lovelies, There have already been 5 giveaways of my book through other peoples blogs and so now I figured it was time for me to do one of my own! After all, if you are here reading this it means
Hey Lovelies, We are well into the book launch/blog tour for my book Extra! I don’t want it to start losing steam now so I’d love to see all my blog readers supporting the bloggers who have signed up for
*A version of this post appears on Fertility Matters today as part of the Blog Tour. To continue to follow the blog tour go to Our Beautiful Hope for tomorrow’s post.* Lovelies, In the parenting after infertility community, there’s a
Lovelies, Do you see that image, too? The one with my child holding my book? The one with today’s date on it? Do you?! Because I could totally be dreaming this… After two years of my sweat, tears, and (frankly)
Hey, all! Want to see some teaser photos of the book?! The launch is next week, in 7 days you can buy this beauty!! I am bursting with excitement to show you. I can’t show you ALL of it, but
Hey Lovelies! For the launch of my children’s book Extra! I’m running a blog tour. A blog tour is like a book tour in that you travel around talking about your book, promoting and hosting giveaways. But becuase this is