Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Squawk Box: Infertility was the Easy Part

Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Hey Lovelies, We are well into the book launch/blog tour for my book Extra! I don’t want it to start losing steam now so I’d love to see all my blog readers supporting the bloggers who have signed up for
Lovelies, Do you see that image, too? The one with my child holding my book? The one with today’s date on it? Do you?! Because I could totally be dreaming this… After two years of my sweat, tears, and (frankly)
Lovelies, I’ve had a lot of guest posters on this blog, especially through Squawk Box, but I was approached recently to run this story about how to cope with a failed IVF round and I jumped at the chance. I
Lovelies, Today is my birthday. A day that for the last 4+ years has caused an unbearable amount of pain due to my infertility. Watching my biological clock march forward, knowing that I was already short on time and egg
Hey Lovelies, As it’s October I wanted to feature a loss story for this month’s Squawk Box. I found one that is a little unlike the ones that typically get shared. What if you had conceived not 1 but 2
Lovelies, October is a busy time in the infertility community. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month… so most of this month the community spends time lifting up those people who have experienced the trauma of losing a child.
Lovelies, I am having a pretty hard time over here with guilt, shame, and anger. So, I wanted to delve into what the word community means. Admittedly, I wrote this post before I’d publicly disclosed my pregnancy. I have been
*Trigger Warning: This post documents my surprise ‘natural’ conception the month leading up to our FET. I know this kind of post can be really difficult to stomach and I understand if you need to skip it today. XOXXO* Lovelies,
Hey there Lovelies, September is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month. If you are like me and you LOVE the colour teal you’ll be happy to know that teal is one way to show your support to your cysters this