Lovelies, I am having a pretty hard time over here with guilt, shame, and anger. So, I wanted to delve into what the word community means. Admittedly, I wrote this post before I’d publicly disclosed my pregnancy. I have been
FET Cycle: Cancellation Update
*Trigger Warning: This post documents my surprise ‘natural’ conception the month leading up to our FET. I know this kind of post can be really difficult to stomach and I understand if you need to skip it today. XOXXO* Lovelies,
Micro Post: I Hate Waiting
Lovelies, I am not a patient person. Waiting makes me batty. Unfortunately, there is a lot of waiting during infertility. Especially during a treatment cycle. So far I am waiting and waiting for my damned period to arrive and then
FET Cycle: Down-Regulation Update
Hey Lovelies, I’ve started the down-regulation process. I will have 20-ish days that I have to take the Suprefact nasal spray… 5x a day… at specifically timed intervals. And I’m totally freaking out. Some context: I hate starting new drugs,
Micro Post: Cycling Side Effects
*This post was scheduled weeks ago. It does not reference 9/11 at all. I am hoping that today’s date is full of remembrance and not hate or fear. One can dream, right?* Hey Lovelies, Ah, cycling… so much build up,
FET Cycle Protocol
Lovelies, The protocol for the FET seems so much simpler than the protocol for our IVF. I mean, I didn’t even have to redo all the bloodwork and testing, and when like the first 3 paragraphs of my old IVF
On Becoming A Parent
Lovelies, I have been thinking a lot lately about my transformation into parenthood. And it was a TRANSFORMATION with a capital T. You see, I wouldn’t say I really felt like a ‘parent’ right away when we got to take
Micro Post: FET Cycle
Lovelies, The time has come! It’s almost FET month!!! I am very excited and super freaked out and ALL OF THE THINGS! I invite you all to join me on an in-depth analysis of all things cycling. I documented every
Micro Post: How Many Tears?
Lovelies, PMS fucking sucks. I get all wound up by the end of the month wondering and hoping that by the time I start to feel ANY PMS symptoms I just fall apart. It’s no help that I’m already bitchy
Getting Ready
Hey Lovelies, So, as I said before the summer break, I was just not feeling ready to jump back into active IVF cycling with the summer ahead of me. I was enjoying my little one and was majorly excited to