*This post was scheduled weeks ago. It does not reference 9/11 at all. I am hoping that today’s date is full of remembrance and not hate or fear. One can dream, right?* Hey Lovelies, Ah, cycling… so much build up,
Micro Post: Cycling Side Effects

*This post was scheduled weeks ago. It does not reference 9/11 at all. I am hoping that today’s date is full of remembrance and not hate or fear. One can dream, right?* Hey Lovelies, Ah, cycling… so much build up,
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your March Squawk Box! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! *clapping and running around maniacly* Y’all did it! Thank you so much to those of you who reached into your hearts and pulled out stories for me when I was flat
Hey Lovelies, Thanks for your patience as I got through last week’s crazy schedule. Here’s what happened when we went to visit Dr. Freckles, our RE. First off, I was actually pretty excited to see her, but my excitement waned
Hey Lovelies, Now that we have it settled in our minds that we WILL try for a second child there was really only one thing for me to do… Get re-referred to my RE, of course! After a year your