Hey Lovelies, Here for your November Squawk Box! I am doing pretty well with a stock pile of Squawk Boxes for the moment but I am ALWAYS eager to hear and share your stories! Have any interest in submitting one?
Micro Post: I Hate Waiting
Lovelies, I am not a patient person. Waiting makes me batty. Unfortunately, there is a lot of waiting during infertility. Especially during a treatment cycle. So far I am waiting and waiting for my damned period to arrive and then
FET Cycle: Down-Regulation Update
Hey Lovelies, I’ve started the down-regulation process. I will have 20-ish days that I have to take the Suprefact nasal spray… 5x a day… at specifically timed intervals. And I’m totally freaking out. Some context: I hate starting new drugs,
Micro Post: Cycling Side Effects
*This post was scheduled weeks ago. It does not reference 9/11 at all. I am hoping that today’s date is full of remembrance and not hate or fear. One can dream, right?* Hey Lovelies, Ah, cycling… so much build up,
FET Cycle Protocol
Lovelies, The protocol for the FET seems so much simpler than the protocol for our IVF. I mean, I didn’t even have to redo all the bloodwork and testing, and when like the first 3 paragraphs of my old IVF
Micro Post: How Many Tears?
Lovelies, PMS fucking sucks. I get all wound up by the end of the month wondering and hoping that by the time I start to feel ANY PMS symptoms I just fall apart. It’s no help that I’m already bitchy
Micro Post: Lengthening Cycles
Hey Lovelies, Remember how after I got my period back I started to freak out because my cycles were short? Like super consistent and short? Well maybe they were all mostly annovulatory because now they have shifted to 30 days.
Getting Ready
Hey Lovelies, So, as I said before the summer break, I was just not feeling ready to jump back into active IVF cycling with the summer ahead of me. I was enjoying my little one and was majorly excited to
Micro Post: Dr. Freckles
Hey Lovelies, It’s here! The week of the RE appointment is upon us! Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuun… I am feeling all of the feelings. I am nervous simply because going to the clinic is always a nerve wracking thing, and after
Shortened Cycles
Hey Lovelies, Now that we are looking at getting shit moving I’ve started to track my cycle again. Not doing OPK or temping yet, easing back in gently, but I am using Fertility Friend and inputing my period and anytime