Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Squawk Box: Infertility was the Easy Part

Hello Lovelies, Long time no talk! I still am not coming back full time to the blog, at least not until I have this baby and figure some shit out, but I HAD to come back for a moment in
Lovelies, Welcome to your February Squawk Box!! If you feel like sharing your story on the interwebs I will be continuing to post these up. Send your story here! XOXXO, The Chicken I mourn for the woman I was- But
Hey Lovelies, Here for your November Squawk Box! I am doing pretty well with a stock pile of Squawk Boxes for the moment but I am ALWAYS eager to hear and share your stories! Have any interest in submitting one?
Hey Lovelies, As it’s October I wanted to feature a loss story for this month’s Squawk Box. I found one that is a little unlike the ones that typically get shared. What if you had conceived not 1 but 2
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your September Squawk Box! I am running low-ish on these and wanted to remind you that you can share any and all parts of your journey here on my platform! Send your stories -here-. Today’s stroy
Lovelies, Welcome to your August Squawk Box! Want to contribute your story? Send it -here-. I was excited to hear that our Squawk Box contributor Jillian had decided to write about her experience with infertility for her English class. I
Hey there Lovelies, It’s Squawk Box time aaaaand we are running out of them again! Please consider sharing your journey in the crazy land of infertility. Share anonymously. Share out loud. Share the beginning, the middle, the end. Just share!
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your May Squawk Box! While I am always amazed that people pull together when I run out of these stories to share I would super love to not get to that point. I have 2 more
Hey Lovelies, Here we are for your April Squawk Box! Today’s story is anonymous… I am always saying that you do not have to share your name in order to share your story and it’s true! Here’s your proof! Feel
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your March Squawk Box! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! *clapping and running around maniacly* Y’all did it! Thank you so much to those of you who reached into your hearts and pulled out stories for me when I was flat