Hey Lovelies, Remember how after I got my period back I started to freak out because my cycles were short? Like super consistent and short? Well maybe they were all mostly annovulatory because now they have shifted to 30 days.
Getting Ready
Hey Lovelies, So, as I said before the summer break, I was just not feeling ready to jump back into active IVF cycling with the summer ahead of me. I was enjoying my little one and was majorly excited to
Micro Post: I’m Back!
Hey Lovelies! I’m baaaack! I have had a really lovely summer, and also a great break from social media, but now it’s time to come back online and reconnect. How has everyone else’s summer been? I took a 3+ week
Micro Post: Summer Break
What up, Lovelies! It’s time for a break. The fam and I will be traveling for the next month so I’m not posting anything. I feel like my brain still works in school mode anyways and in the summer I
Tips For Traveling With A Toddler
*Trigger Warning: This post deals with traveling with a little one. I am assuming that if you are reading this you have littles to take with you on an adventure. Be they yours, your sisters, or your friends. I encourage
Micro Post: Being Present
Lovelies, Anyone else find that they really struggle to stay present? I super do. It’s not an all the time thing but many days I find I mentally want to check out or just stare at a screen and I
Squawk Box: Processing That I Need Help
Hey there Lovelies, It’s Squawk Box time aaaaand we are running out of them again! Please consider sharing your journey in the crazy land of infertility. Share anonymously. Share out loud. Share the beginning, the middle, the end. Just share!
Micro Post: Life Outdoors
Lovelies, How many of you basically LIVE outside in the summer? I wouldn’t say that was true of me pre-kids, but now with an active toddler, we are up and outside daily. Often for the large majority of the day.
Bean Sprout Update: 1.5 Years Old
*Trigger Warning: obviously this is a post about my baby! It also includes a picture of him. Proceed with caution* Lovelies, You know how moms are always saying something like”time slow down” in reference to their children growing up and
Micro Post: Good Practice
Lovelies, You know what helps you get better at, well, pretty much anything? Doing it a lot. The old adageĀ “practice makes perfect” is so true! You know what I am better at because of practice? Writing… And a host of