How many of you basically LIVE outside in the summer? I wouldn’t say that was true of me pre-kids, but now with an active toddler, we are up and outside daily. Often for the large majority of the day. We live in Canada, so some mornings are still a bit brisk to be outside long and my Bean Sprout spends most of the time after breakfast trying to convince me it is not too cold to go out. The routine goes like this…
*Bean Sprout runs to the back door* “Brrum brrum brrum, please” “Baby, we can’t go play with your car right now. It is too cold outside.”
*Shaking his head* “No, brr.” “Go, please.” “Let’s play inside with your *fill in the blank* until after snack time, then we can go outside.”
He grudgingly agrees but has a memory like an elephant because the second his socks hit the hardwood after his snack. “All done! Brrum brrum brrum, please!” It’s a bit of a pain in the ass some days, having to get us all ready and out the door but, on the positive, I find being out in nature with him to be really magical and exciting at this age. The bugs! The trees! The bikes! The everything! It’s magically breathtaking to him. And as I learn to see it all through his little eyes it is made magical again for me. I used to love living my moments out of doors as a child too, I am glad that motherhood has brought some of that back to me.
The Chicken
Sounds nice! I’m a little jealous. We just made our big move to the States, to a wonderful town where the temperature hit 109 yesterday. Funsies! So I have to ration the little guy’s outdoor time, or save it for the mountains.
Your sprout is indeed one cool dude. I wish we lived next door 😀
UGH, that is too hot. We never get that hot. He is cool, thank you! Would be so fun to be closer for play dates!
XOXXO The Chicken