Hey there Lovelies,
I need to figure out how to decompress from social media, and might take a brief hiatus from blogging in the near future, but today is not that day! Today let’s talk about breastfeeding, planning an FET, and weaning. Yes, they really do all go together!
Most fertility clinics like for you to wean prior to undergoing IVF or FET procedures. That’s because sometimes the hormone prolactin interferes with your cycle, there is also uterine cramping that happens naturally while breastfeeding, both of which can cause issues. It does really depend on your clinic. Some will allow continued feeding at a low level, others request full weaning. I’m not sure what the opinion of my clinic is, as we still haven’t had our appointment, but I have decided to wean Bean Sprout prior to our planned FET this summer.
He will be 14 months next week and we have worked our feedings back to 3x a day. I am moving toward complete weaning, hopefully by the end of next month. Making it 15 months of breastfeeding in total. And I’m happy with that!
Especially as the start of our journey was so rocky! I am beyond pleased we’ve made it this far, but I am ready to move on. I won’t feel like I’ve been forced into this situation. I want to wean of my own accord, before I’m told I NEED to by my clinic. And so we begin the end of our breastfeeding time together.
It is a bittersweet time, to be sure.
On the positive side is the fact that I will get my body back. I can workout hard, and eat fewer calories, without worrying about my milk supply. I can wear nice shirts and nice bras and toss these flimsy nursing bras in a box for a while. I can be away from my baby longer than 6 hours without pumping or needing to return home. Dare I think it? I might even take an overnight trip on my own! For over a year I have been beholden to the task that is being a baby’s milk maid, but no longer, FREEEEDOOOOOOM!! I can almost taste it!
On the downside is the fact that I will miss our special connection and cuddle time. While I am feeling pretty ready to move forward, slowly, with weaning, there’s no denying how lovely breastfeeding can be. The long, snugly time with him when he is sleepy before bed when he occasionally strokes my face. In the mornings when he is alert and taking in the world while sucking. When he finds me funny (who knows why) and will giggle softly into my breast without unlatching. There are many wonderful memories I have of breastfeeding this tiny person. I so treasure that we were able to do this!
But it’s time! I am ready to start thinking seriously about adding a second little to our lives and I want to move forward with that without it affecting Bean Sprout. I want to be weaned before I do the FET so that I don’t worry what the hormones will do to my milk supply and I don’t want to wonder if we get a BFN if it had anything to do with my still nursing. Bean Sprout is already naturally taking less milk per feed than he used to and so I think it’s the perfect balance of him and I both being ready. I’m hoping for a slow seamless transition, during which I will probably take about a thousand breastfeeding pictures. You know, so I never ever forget what it was like when he was still my tiny, squishy baby! Wish us luck!
The Chicken
Love the art & the BF journey!