FAQ time again, Chicks! Let’s talk about ovulation and your basal body temperature. I know, I know, my basal body what now? This is your temperature when you first wake up in the morning, think of it as your body’s
FAQ: Basal Body What?!

FAQ time again, Chicks! Let’s talk about ovulation and your basal body temperature. I know, I know, my basal body what now? This is your temperature when you first wake up in the morning, think of it as your body’s
Hey there, Lovelies, it’s FAQ time! You’ve been knocking boots for a while now and you keep expecting to fall pregnant but no such luck. Sure, you may have been bumping uglies as prolifically as a couple from www.watchmygirlfriend.xxx, but
Hello Lovelies, Oh please, saaave me from myself!!!! I’m out this month. On to IUI we go. And in spite of every reason to not get my hopes up, once again, I did… I. Am. So. Fed. Up. ARG! I