Lovelies, FAQ time! Quick one today. Quick, but still oh so important! So you’ve been knocking boots with the best of them but have had little luck in the way of positive pregnancy test, eh? That can be ok actually.
Squawk Box: Memoirs Of An Infertile Doctor

Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your May Squawk Box! While I am always amazed that people pull together when I run out of these stories to share I would super love to not get to that point. I have 2 more
Micro Post: Dr. Freckles

Hey Lovelies, It’s here! The week of the RE appointment is upon us! Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuun… I am feeling all of the feelings. I am nervous simply because going to the clinic is always a nerve wracking thing, and after
FAQ: What To Say To Your Doctor

Lovelies, So it looks like you’re infertile? Sorry to hear that. Don’t like doctors? Tough crap! Because, let’s be real, if you’re trying to have a baby you’re likely to be seeing a lot of them! Like them or not