Hey Lovelies,

Squawk Box is a marvelous place where you can vent your frustrations and exclaim your joys while you are dealing with infertility! Tell the broader community your story and share any nuggets of wisdom that you have gained along the way. I have found writing can be incredibly cathartic and it’s nice to extend that kind of release to each and every one of you.

If you want to share with other people who are also walking along this path I invite you to fill out the submission form below and I would be happy to post them up for everyone to enjoy.

Please, remember that sometimes I receive a lot of Squawk posts and it may be a bit before I reach yours to post. I will do my best to alert you when I am ready to post yours so that you can reply to comments or share on your own pages.

Go on, add your story below!

The Chicken

