October is a busy time in the infertility community. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month… so most of this month the community spends time lifting up those people who have experienced the trauma of losing a child. No matter the gestational age of that child! Loss is painful and is often ignored in our western culture. With repeat pregnancy loss and chromosomal abnormalities being just some of the diagnosis that the term infertility encompasses it is our job to make sure that these peoples voices aren’t silenced. Many blogs turn their writing over completely to those who have experienced loss for the whole of October and I will try my hardest to re-post these stories to my social media. Do not be silenced. Help us to
Many blogs turn their writing over completely to those who have experienced loss for the whole of October and I will try my hardest to re-post these stories to my social media. Do not be silenced. Help us to honour these babies who were gone too soon. One of the ways you can do that is by participating in the ‘wave of light’, which is on October 15th, this upcoming Sunday. The wave of light is when you make sure to take time out of your busy lives to light a candle for the babies lost and to think about them. To honour their memory and support their parents.
If you are a parent who is struggling with the loss of your child my heart goes out to you. I see you. Your baby’s life has meaning. You are not alone.
The Chicken