Lovelies, I have been thinking a lot lately about my transformation into parenthood. And it was a TRANSFORMATION with a capital T. You see, I wouldn’t say I really felt like a ‘parent’ right away when we got to take
On Becoming A Parent

Lovelies, I have been thinking a lot lately about my transformation into parenthood. And it was a TRANSFORMATION with a capital T. You see, I wouldn’t say I really felt like a ‘parent’ right away when we got to take
Lovelies, The time has come! It’s almost FET month!!! I am very excited and super freaked out and ALL OF THE THINGS! I invite you all to join me on an in-depth analysis of all things cycling. I documented every
Lovelies, FAQ time! Quick one today. Quick, but still oh so important! So you’ve been knocking boots with the best of them but have had little luck in the way of positive pregnancy test, eh? That can be ok actually.
Lovelies, PMS fucking sucks. I get all wound up by the end of the month wondering and hoping that by the time I start to feel ANY PMS symptoms I just fall apart. It’s no help that I’m already bitchy
Lovelies, Welcome to your August Squawk Box! Want to contribute your story? Send it -here-. I was excited to hear that our Squawk Box contributor Jillian had decided to write about her experience with infertility for her English class. I
Hey Lovelies, Remember how after I got my period back I started to freak out because my cycles were short? Like super consistent and short? Well maybe they were all mostly annovulatory because now they have shifted to 30 days.
Hey Lovelies, So, as I said before the summer break, I was just not feeling ready to jump back into active IVF cycling with the summer ahead of me. I was enjoying my little one and was majorly excited to
Hey Lovelies! I’m baaaack! I have had a really lovely summer, and also a great break from social media, but now it’s time to come back online and reconnect. How has everyone else’s summer been? I took a 3+ week