Hey Lovelies, This week is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) in the USA! The time when all infertiles raise their voices so that we are heard… Because we are many. 1 in 8 couples in the States will be diagnosed
NIAW: #ListenUp

Hey Lovelies, This week is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) in the USA! The time when all infertiles raise their voices so that we are heard… Because we are many. 1 in 8 couples in the States will be diagnosed
Hey, all! NIAW is here again! Happy National Infertility Awareness Week to all you States peeps. I have to admit I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate this year. I think I feel like this every year. I
Lovelies, Oh. My. God. I have got some crazy baby fever going on right now! Like, honestly, I just wasted an entire hour that was supposed to be used to write this post by searching baby names endlessly on Google,
So Lovelies, It’s Easter… Who’s willing to stand with me naked under the full moon and pray for fertility? Do not act like this is the first time you are hearing this idea. Bitch, you had the same thought in
Hey Lovelies, Here we are for your April Squawk Box! Today’s story is anonymous… I am always saying that you do not have to share your name in order to share your story and it’s true! Here’s your proof! Feel
Lovelies, As we get close to our FET I keep having these thoughts… Like, you guys, what if all this shit doesn’t work? Wading back into TTC is terrifying because you’re handing over the reins of control again and have
Hey Lovelies, Time again for Unpregnant Chicken Answers! This is an advice type column so if you have pressing concerns you’d like my take on please drop me a note about it! I respond to your email the moment I
Oh. My. God. Lovelies, I fucked up. I forgot about my appointment for my Sonohysterogram and I missed it. I remembered the day after and called the clinic begging them to take pity on me and allow me to rebook