Things I can’t not think about:
1. If I have or haven’t ovulated. Nevermind that we aren’t actively trying. That we’ve DECIDED to wait until the new year… But that twinge… maybe…
2. How we are waiting until the new year.
3. How our RE appointment is the end of February so earliest FET could be May which would make my baby a… NO stop it brain!
4. How I need to be more present and not think about TTC for the holidays.
5. But maybe if I’m an extra good girl Santa will talk to the stork and I wont need the FET…
Honest to God, the things I’m “not” not thinking of can drive ya crazy.
Happy Monday!
The Chicken
Micro Post: Thinking List
Lol, hope you’re being kind to yourself.
I know it’s easier said than done but one day at a time. As Ferris Bueller said “Life moves pretty fast if you don’t stop and look around you could miss it”.
Best of luck with everything. 🙂
So far so good on that front. Since we aren’t actively trying juuust yet it’s been easy to not feel too hard on myself.
XOXXO, The Chicken
Yea I’m never able to not think about it either! And I always think ahead. I’ve already been trying to work out possible due dates if this IVF were to work. Ah well, nothing wrong in hoping and dreaming!
Yes! I am an ahead thinker! A planner by nature, it’s too easy to focus on all that is yet to come! Though I am trying to be better at staying n the moment.
XOXXO, The Chicken
Only when we are told to not do something is when the mind loses control 😉
HAHAHAH to right! Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
XOXXO, The Chicken
Could you imagine if we got pregnant the old fashioned way? How much money would we save? 6,000? Ugh. Maybe, just maybe we’ll get a Christmas miracle? 😉
LOL we call Bean Sprout the 10,000 dollar man. That’s what he cost us. No christmas miracle on this end. Maybe you fared better.
The Chicken
You need SuperBetter’s distraction techniques. They work… sort of… until I stop doing the techniques and go back to thinking about the thing I don’t want to be thinking about.
Looking into that. Never heard of it before.
XOXXO, The Chicken