Hey Lovelies,
I’m burnt out y’all. I feel like that line in The Weeknd’s song “Everybody ’round me sayin’ I should relax cause, I’ve been goin’ hard ’til my eyes roll back but”… I’ve been going full steam ahead since babe was born. Sleeping 7 ish hours a night broken by 2-3 feeds the whole time. Blogging twice a week. Wrote a picture book. Posting on Fertility Matters site once a month. Trying to make more hours in the day to work on the historical fiction novel.
Annnnd I’m spent.
Mostly I think it’s the broken sleep that’s getting to me. THB I’m used to running in a million directions at once with my writing. But not sleeping. That’s a new one. I feel like such a whiner. I mean, duh, I’m tired. Aren’t all new parents? Shut up about it already. But I really, really can’t. I want to sleep so badly that it literally hurts.
But now it’s summer! Huzzah. Husband took 3 weeks off and we are gonna go to the west coast for some rest and relaxation. Well, as much as we can with a Bean Sprout. So, I will be pausing the blog for a few weeks while I focus on other pursuits. Searching for a publisher. Workin’ on my tan. Showing baby the tide pools.
This is necessary.
I have a fabulous guest post going up this Thursday about Donor Eggs: The difference between fresh and frozen, which you absolutely must check out, and then I’m off til August.
Much love and baby dust to all,
The Chicken
I think we all have a tendency to over extend ourselves and keep living the way we had when there are new things in our lives. Even though I’m not a parent I find it challenging to get everything I need to get done in a day without sacrificing sleep. Letting some things go is difficult but we need to recognize our limitations.
Enjoy your vacation
Agreed, it is certainly not just since becoming a parent that I do this. I tend to over extend as it is. I think i forget now that I cant just crash and sleep for a week once tasks are over lol. That’s been to my detriment.
XOXXO,The Chicken
Enjoy your rest! (Or rest relatively speaking). It’s so important for your health, creativity and sanity!
XOXXO, The Chicken
Enjoy your break. I hope you get some sleep!
XOXXO, The Chicken
Have a great break. And don’t discount the sleep deprivation. It’s terrible.
Thank you. It really, truly is.
XOXXO The Chicken
Oh wow! 7 1/2 hours sounds like bliss! Even though my guy is 2 now, he still wakes me up at night, at least once, and he doesn’t let me sleep in, even on the weekends! I hope your little one gets the whole sleep thing faster than my guy did. I totally understand how painful lack of sleep can be!!!
If only those 7.5 hours were un-interupted! He usually wakes at least once to feed. I sleep from 1030-2 and then 230-600. Sleeping in is a myth. Children do not actually believe in it lol
XOXXO, The Chicken