Hey Lovelies, Man oh man, sometimes having been a nanny is good. Like solid feeding, for example. I know that gagging is part of it and that gagging can LOOK like choking but is not actually choking. I even know
Micro Post: Milestone Rant
Hey Lovelies, Just a quick rant about baby milestones. When the hell did it become ‘normal’ for kiddos to reach milestones super early?! I feel like there are the actual guidelines that Dr.’s follow regarding a milestone and then there
Before Starting IVF Treatments
Hey Lovelies, I was approached by an IVF clinic in London England with an idea for a guest post. I was not compensated for this post in any way, but how cool is it to be able to team up
Micro Post: Our Health Care System
Hey Lovelies, A friend sparked the idea for this post the other day. We were discussing her reaction to a post I did for CIAW on Fertility Matters website. I urge you to read it, if you haven’t already, but
Bean Sprout Update: 6 Months Old
Hey Lovelies! My baby is growing up so fast. I cannot even believe that this little sweetheart is 6 months old! Now, I’m probably biased but let me rave a bit about how freaking awesome my son is. 1.He is
Micro Post: When Anxiety Hits STFU
Hey Lovelies, I have a saying that I repeat in my head when I find I’m getting overly anxious about anything baby related. “Mothers in Africa don’t worry about this stuff!!” or, alternatively, “What would mothers in the bush do?”.
Squawk Box: Waiting – Part 2
Hey Lovelies, Here is the second half to Steph’s Squawk Box. Click here for Part 1. Again: The picture today is of woman checking her watch. I chose it for two reasons. 1) I like that Steph wrote everything down
Squawk Box: Waiting – Part 1
Hey Lovelies, Welcome to your June squawk box! I don’t even know how it’s June already, but, here we are! Thank you to all the lovely people who wrote in with their stories so far. Keep them coming- submit here.
Embryos to Babies: Frozen Potential
Hey Lovelies, Now that Bean Sprout is approaching the half year mark I’ve found that I’m thinking more about our other embryos. We were blessed in that 4 embryos, out of our initial 6, made it all the way through.