*Trigger Warning: Final pregnancy update but also info on the blog revamp. XOXXO*
Hello Lovelies!
Well the day is here. I am entering my 39th week of pregnancy and it is time for me to pause the blog space for birth. I want to do this ahead of actual labour cause I have no intentions of dropping this blog like a hot potato. In order to adequately prepare the blog transitions I have in the works, and to ensure that I don’t just drop off the map unexpectedly, it’s best to take my leave at this point.
I have reached that culmative point in pregnancy where everything seems to stop. Baby is cooked and weight gain for baby and momma stalls. All necessary ends have pretty much been wrapped up and there is not enough to fill the days. Emotions are at their peak as you await the transition to motherhood without a clear signpost as to when the tipping point will be. Everyone is anxious and expectant. Including all make and manner of people around the pregnant woman. I cannot tell you how many times a day I am asked if I am in labour or if baby is here or if I can FEEL or TELL when it might happen. Which, when you have nothing much to fill your days but think about all of these things over and over again, is just freaking beyond fun. Let me tell ya.
We have entered the final countdown *insert cheesy music here*. I look forward to the re-release of the blog, in all likelihood in January, and updating you about the beansprout when he arrives. I want to keep most of the blog changes secret until it launches but I CAN tell you that anything pregnancy related and baby related will be moved to its own clearly marked tab that you cannot stumble upon unexpectedly. So, while I will update about the birth and my upcoming journeys in parenting, it will be something you’ll only see if you choose. And fear not there will be plenty of infertility goings on to keep you busy, if the baby thing aint your jam ;).
With all my love… until next time,
The Chicken
Hoping for a smooth labor and wishing you best of luck! I look forward to reading about it and your adventures in parenting. See you in January!
Thanks lady! It was a trip.
XOXXO, The Chicken
Best of luck to you in this final, patience-straining stretch. I look forward to checking out your revamped blog space next month. 🙂
It was so hard to wait in those last weeks! New blog is almost ready! make sure to check back again soon!
XOXXO, The Chicken
Good luck with the birth! I’m looking forward to reading the story 🙂
Thanks for the well wishes! Story will be up soon.
XOXXO, The Chicken
May it be a safe and easy labour with happy first days. See you on the other side.
Oh woman.. it was not! lol looking forward to getting back at it.
XOXXO, The Chicken
I will be glad to meet you with your new blog on the other side of the spectrum. Wishing everything goes well for you 🙂
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the new space.
XOXXO, The Chicken
I’ve been checking back hoping to see an update soon! I hope all is well!!
SO SOON! Hopefully launching revamp last week of January!
XOXXO, The Chicken
Looking forward to the new site!
Thanks! Launch Tomorrow!
XOXXO, The Chicken