To the boys I have nannied: A lament If I had known, as I rocked you for hours on end through your colic, that you might be the last infant entrusted to my arms, would I have savored it? Would
Micro Post: Lament To The Children I Nannied

To the boys I have nannied: A lament If I had known, as I rocked you for hours on end through your colic, that you might be the last infant entrusted to my arms, would I have savored it? Would
Hey there Lovelies, Thank god today is a Squawk Box day. I don’t really have it in me to say much. I’m deep in trenches and feeling pretty sorry for myself. Hopefully, next week will look better. In the meantime
Hello Lovelies, I have a resilient heart. I know this to be true as I’ve been living this truth since I was born. I was born with two holes in my heart. I’ve been a fighter since the beginning. The
Hello Lovelies, I made it through the appointment without tears! YAY! IVF protocol has been decided and all my new labs have been given to me. I’m a happy camper today. All my test results look very similar to last
Hello Lovelies, My IVF appointment with Dr. Green-Eyes is fast approaching. As in, it’s this week fast. This is the appointment that we’ll use to determine the protocol for IVF #1. It will also give me all my newest hormone
Hey there Lovelies, I’ve been working hard to be a positive, driven infertile and a good advocate lately. Trying to think up posts to discuss infertility with cool detachment and introspection. I’ve been working on the slides for my guest
Hello Lovelies! Brolly in a Baby Shower nominated me for a Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award which recognizes the unique voices of women bloggers around the world! Huzzah!! I’m thrilled to be nominated. I work very hard to make