A happy Friday evening to you, lovelies!! It is very out of character for me to post on a Friday, and certainly strange to post this late at night. But I passed an imaginary hurdle in my mind today and

A happy Friday evening to you, lovelies!! It is very out of character for me to post on a Friday, and certainly strange to post this late at night. But I passed an imaginary hurdle in my mind today and
Hello Lovelies, I have a confession to make. Do you know what I really want for Christmas? I mean, besides the obvious *cough* baby *cough*… hmmm no, not an iPhone, nope not the new Polaroid camera… Give up? For Christmas
Hello Lovelies, Today I want to talk about transitions and going with “the flow”. In psychology, “flow” is the mental state of operation where a person performing an activity is fully immersed in the process with focus and enjoyment. Sooo…
Hello Lovelies! Here it is, the second installment of Squawk Box! I have decided on a once monthly schedule for Squawk Box posts and will load a new one half way though each month. Hopefully this will nicely break up
Hello Lovelies, Oh. My. God. Everyone is pregnant. Literally EVERYONE… OK, not LITERALLY. I mean, not everyone on the street… but basically everyone I know. Almost all of my close friends in the city are now pregnant. The only ones
Hello Lovelies, Thank you all again for your kind words over the weekend. It was very much appreciated! So, as you all know, I just finished my first cycle of IUI. Because of my awesome track record of spotting like
Hey Lovelies, I apologize, but today’s post is going to be brief. We finished our first round of IUI and I diligently went in for blood work yesterday. Well results are in. And no, they aren’t what I was hoping
Hello Lovelies, So, the last few weekends we have had family event after family event to attend. And with the holiday season upon us that is unlikely to let up any time soon. I am really missing my weekends and