Hello Lovelies! I am going to rant a little in this post… ok, a lot… so bear with me. Today, as I scrolled through my Facebook feed a few memes caught my eye. The first one was harmless enough. After
While I Wait For My Miracle

Hello Lovelies! I am going to rant a little in this post… ok, a lot… so bear with me. Today, as I scrolled through my Facebook feed a few memes caught my eye. The first one was harmless enough. After
Hello lovelies, I have been a stress-basket this last week because I am wrapping up my thesis. Corrections, revisions, snide comments… This is a harrowing time. If there is one thing stress gives me, it’s insomnia. And both of those
Hello Lovelies! How are you fabulous chickies today?! I hope you are well. I am suffering from some strange form of renewed optimism. I am feeling pretty good right now, maybe it’s because I decided that I WOULD NOT do
Hello lovelies, I think it is time to write about how important your fertility appointments are. They are a big deal and can significantly impact the way you feel about your journey. Also, I cannot overstate the importance of having
Hello lovelies, This one is harder for me to write than some of the others. I really struggle with this concept…How do you handle the expectations of others while you try to get pregnant? How do you effectively, and consistently,
Hello lovelies, Today I was thinking about spotting. In the craziness of trying to conceive and, more specifically the insanity that is the “two week wait”, there is really no equal for the crazy that results from spotting. It single-handedly
Hello lovelies! So, as I mentioned in a previous post I am on holidays. We are on holidays. My husband and I are away from home for two weeks. We will be going one province over into the mountains to
Hello lovelies, Me again. So, this is my second round of Clomid and I didn’t find the side effects to be very overwhelming. A little dizzy, a little tired, but not overly emotional or anything. “BONUS!!” I thought. “I’ll get
Good Morning Lovelies, Clomid is a fickle mistress. She waltzes in with her rosy ideals, perhaps on the wings of fairies. “Did you know 50% of infertile women conceive within 3 months on me?” “Holy wow! I’ve never had